cttconsulting gmbh
construction think tank
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Girmscheid
Managing Director

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Die CTT offers amongst others the following services:
Expert opinions:
- Expert opinions for court and contract parties in the field of construction claims and financial disputes between clients and contractors or within construction joint ventures
- Expert opinions for court and contract parties regarding technical and economical interpretation construction changes with construction process disruption
- Expert opinions on resulting costs due to changing conditions for execution
- Plausibility test of cost estimations and calculations
- Estate value analysis
Corporate consulting / training:
- Tender consulting and construction service consulting for clients and contractors
- Training and introduction of risk and claim management in construction companies
- Internal training regarding tendering processes
- Development of claim strategies
- Support for contractors and subconstractors with supplementary claims
- Support for the introduction of work estimation and construction site controlling
- Audit of internal processes in construction projects and construction joint ventures
Construction client consulting:
- Cost controlling models for construction projects and infrastructures
- Target and requirements controlling in construction projects
- Assessment and mediation of claims
- Mediation in case of out-of-court arbitration