cttconsulting gmbh
construction think tank
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Girmscheid
Managing Director

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USP of cttconsulting per customer group:
Expert opinion and mediation customers:
- Impartial ETH-background
- Significant methodological competence to solve complex technical-economical problems
- Significant references of success
Business consultancy and training customers:
- Comprehensive practical expertise in bid, claim and risk management
- Theoretical background particularly methodological competences
PPP-project customers:
- Comprehensive practical expertise in the implementation of PPP-projects (submission/consturction)
- Impartial ETH-background
- Theoretical background particularly methodological competences
Customers in the role of client or project control:
- Comprehensive practical expertise in international projects
- Impartial ETH-background
- Theoretical background particularly methodological competences