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construction think tank
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Girmscheid

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Girmscheid, G.; Scheublin F. (Eds.):
New Perspective in Industrialisation in Construction - A
State-of-the-Art Report
CIB Publication 329
2010,Eigenverlag des IBB an der ETH Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz
ISBN 978-3-906800-17-2
Preis: CHF 150

About the book:
The Task Group 57 was founded at the Triennial Conference of CIB in Montreal
2004. The Board of CIB came to the conclusion that there was a growing need for
market driven research with a strong focus on industrialisation. Prof. Gerhard
Girmscheid from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich)
and Prof. Frits Scheublin from Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) were
appointed as the founding coordinators of the Task Group. Approximately 30
members attended the Task Group meetings and communicated between meetings about
their research projects.
The publication “New Perspective in Industrialisation in Construction - A
State-of-the-Art Report” compiles the best papers presented and discussed during
the annual meetings of the Task Group. The publication gives an overview of the
state of the art and the potentials of computerised mass customisation in
respect of industrialisation in construction and covers the context, strategies,
new concepts in mass customisation with methods and tools as well as products.
The book (hardcopy) is available at ETH Zurich, Switzerland or online via CIB
homepage (www.cibworld.nl). |