
cttconsulting gmbh
construction think tank
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Girmscheid

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| Bücher | Skripte Bauprozessmanagement | Fachartikel | Dissertationen | Forschungsberichte | Conference Papers
Conference Papers
Weissenböck, S.; Girmscheid G.
Project Selection Regarding Life-Cycle Oriented and Equity-Intensive Projects: A
Critical Assessment of the PPP Project Selection Process in the Construction
Industry; Auf: ASCE – International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure,
Long Beach, 2014
Firmenich, J.
Risk-bearing capacity testing of and within PPP projects; Auf: POMS Annual
Conference, Atlanta, 2014
Firmenich, J.
Risk Allocation Decision-Making Concept for PPP Projects; Auf: PPP Conference -
Global challenges in PPP : cross-sectoral and cross-disciplinary solutions?,
Koller, L.; Girmscheid, G.
Process-oriented cost and performance optimization model for inter-municipal
street maintenance; Auf: SIBRAGEC 2013, Salvador, 2013
Proyer, M.; Girmscheid G.
Requirement Engineering and the Effect on Cost Compliance in the Holistic,
Life-Cycle Oriented Yield, Cost Planning and Controlling Process Model; Auf:
SIBRAGEC 2013, Salvador, 2013
Selberherr, J.; Girmscheid, G.
A partner selection process model for the provision of life cycle service offers
through cooperation; Auf: SIBRAGEC 2013, Salvador, 2013
Etter, S.; Girmscheid, G.
Concept for a Planning and Decision Model for Logistics in Tunnelling using
Supply Chain Management and Outranking; Auf: CIB World Building Congress 2013 -
Construction and Society, Brisbane, 2013
Firmenich, J.; Girmscheid, G.
Probabilistic time-specific risk load of a PPP building project; Auf: CIB World
Building Congress 2013 - Construction and Society, Brisbane, 2013
Koller, L.; Girmscheid, G.
Inter-municipal facility location-routing model; Auf: CIB World Building
Congress 2013 - Construction and Society, Brisbane, 2013
Proyer, M.; Girmscheid, G.
Concept of a Holistic, Life-Cycle Oriented Yield, Cost Planning and Controlling
Process Model; Auf: CIB World Building Congress 2013 - Construction and Society,
Brisbane, 2013
Selberherr, J.; Girmscheid, G.
An interdisciplinary cooperation network for the optimisation of sustainable
life cycle buildings; Auf: CIB World Building Congress 2013 - Construction and
Society, Brisbane, 2013
Weissenböck, S.; Girmscheid, G.
Concept of a quantitative project selection model for PPP projects; Auf: CIB
World Building Congress 2013 - Construction and Society, Brisbane, 2013
Firmenich, J.; Girmscheid, G.
Rational Information Acquisition for PPP Projects in an Entrepreneurial Context;
Auf: International PPP Conference, Preston, 2013
Koller, L.; Girmscheid, G.
Life Cycle-Oriented Performance Model in the field of Operational Road
Maintenance; Auf: 4th CIB International Conference on Smart and Sustainable
Built Environments, Sao Paulo, 2012
Selberherr, J.; Girmscheid, G.
A Business Model for Life Cycle Service Provision through Cooperation -
Sustainable Business Management; Auf: CIB Joint International Conference on
Management of Construction - Research to Practice, Montréal, 2012
Selberherr, J.; Girmscheid, G.
Value Creation through Synergies of Cooperation – The Development of a New
Business Model; Auf: INCOM 2012, 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control
Problems in Manufacturing, Bucharest, 2012
Selberherr, J.; Girmscheid, G.
A Business Model for Cooperative Life Cycle Service Provision; Auf: CIB W070,
W092 & TG72 International Conference: Delivering Value to the Community, Cape
Town, 2012
Selberherr, J.; Girmscheid, G.
Ein neues Geschäftsmodell: Kooperative Leistungsangebote – Der Weg in eine
nachhaltige Zukunft; Auf: 17. Internationales Holzbauforum,
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2011
Selberherr, J.; Girmscheid, G.
Etablierung systemgeschäftlicher Life Cycle Leistungsangebote mit umfassenden
Kostengarantien am Markt
Journal für Facility Management. Wissenschaft trifft Praxis. Heft 3/2011
Firmenich, J.
Identification of Parameters for a Quantitative Risk Allocation Model with
Systematic Review; Auf: ISEC-06: Modern Methods and Advances in Structural
Engineering and Construction, Zürich, 2011
Kersting, M.; Girmscheid, G.
Process-oriented analysis of the interactions among formwork related teams with
a modified CYCLONE-model; Auf: ISEC-06: Modern Methods and Advances in
Structural Engineering and Construction, Zürich, 2011
Koller, L.; Girmscheid, G.
Process-Oriented and Effect-Oriented Management of Operational Street
Maintenance; Auf: ISEC-06: Modern Methods and Advances in Structural Engineering
and Construction, Zürich, 2011
Rinas, T.; Girmscheid, G.
Industrialization of the Swiss Construction Market: A Cooperative Approach; Auf:
ISEC-06: Modern Methods and Advances in Structural Engineering and Construction,
Zürich, 2011
Kersting, M.; Girmscheid, G.
Formwork Specific, Process Orientated Operational-Hours-Consumption-Model
(OHC-Model); Auf: CIB World Congress 2010 - Building a better World...
Fastrich, A.; Girmscheid, G.
Optimization of the Lifecycle-Costs of Street Maintenance within a Given
Maintenance-Strategy; Auf: CIB World Congress 2010 - Building a better World...
Lunze, D.; Girmscheid, G.
Life-Cycle Service Provision - Construction Kit for Energetically Optimized
Building; Auf: CIB World Congress 2010 - Building a better World...
Rinas, T.; Girmscheid, G.
Business Model: The Cooperative Production Network that Enables Mass-Customized
Production Methods in the Swiss Precast Concrete Industry; Auf: CIB World
Congress 2010 - Building a better World...
Pohle, T.; Girmscheid, G.
Risk Coverage Capacity - The Neglected Parameter when Allocating Risk in
Successful and Sustainable PPP-Projects; Auf: CIB World Congress 2010 - Building
a better World...
Kersting, M.
Prozessorientiertes Weg-Zeit-Analyse-Modell; In: Tagungsband 21.
AssistentInnentreffen der Bereiche Bauwirtschaft, Baubetrieb und
Bauverfahrenstechnik; TU Wien - Institut für interdisziplinäres
Bauprozessmanagement; Wien 2010
Girmscheid, G.
Effizienzsteigerung in der Krise - Fit für die Zukunft. Auf: 8. Baukongress 2009
"Ausbruch! Aufbruch!", 10. November 2009, KKL Luzern, Luzern.
Schaiter, B.; Girmscheid, G.
Configuration, Evaluation and Selection Tool (CET) for Tunnel Construction
Methods. In: Challenges, opportunities and solutions in structural
engineering and construction, ISEC 05, Las Vegas, September 2009, S. 629-634
Fastrich, A.; Girmscheid, G.
Life-Cycle Maintenance Strategy Development and Decision-Making Model for Street
Maintenance. In: Challenges, opportunities and solutions in structural
engineering and construction, ISEC 05, Las Vegas, September 2009, S. 907-912
Lunze, D.; Girmscheid, G.
Success Factors of Strategic System Service Oriented Cooperations - Lessons for
the Construction Industry. In: Challenges, opportunities and solutions in
structural engineering and construction, ISEC 05, Las Vegas, September 2009, S.
Kersting, M.; Girmscheid, G.
Formwork specific, process orientated geometrical-path-velocity-time-model
(GPVT-model). In: Challenges, opportunities and solutions in structural
engineering and construction, ISEC 05, Las Vegas, September 2009, S. 635-640
Krönert, N.; Girmscheid, G.
Development of a decision-making model for requirements managementin building
construction. In: Challenges, opportunities and solutions in structural
engineering and construction, ISEC 05, Las Vegas, September 2009, S. 729-733
Gamisch, T.; Girmscheid, G.
Maintenance Life Cycle Cost Model - Prediction of the Life Cycle Costs of
Different Maintenance Strategies for Drainage Systems of Infrastructures.
In: Challenges, opportunities and solutions in structural engineering and
construction, ISEC 05, Las Vegas, September 2009, S. 921-926
Girmscheid, G.; Pohle, T.
PPP-Risk Identification and Allocation Model - The crucial success factor for
PPPs. In: Challenges, opportunities and solutions in structural
engineering and construction, ISEC 05, Las Vegas, September 2009, S. 745-750
Rinas, T.; Girmscheid, G.
Business model: A two-dimensional cooperation network for successful market
penetration with prefabricated concrete elements and systems. In:
Challenges, opportunities and solutions in structural engineering and
construction, ISEC 05, Las Vegas, September 2009, S. 677-682
Pohle, T.; Girmscheid, G.
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des PPP in der Schweiz - Ein Sachstandsbericht. Auf:
"Reform von Staat und Verwaltung - Jenseits von New Public Management: Aufgaben-
und Organisationspolitik", Veranstaltung des "pôle européen d'administration
publique", 29. Mai 2009, Europarat, Strasbourg.
Girmscheid, G.
PPP-Vergabe in der Schweiz im Vergleich zur EU - Wo besteht Handlungsbedarf?.
Auf: Symposium "Vergabeprozess bei PPP-Projekten", Veranstaltung der Professur
für Bauprozess- und Bauunternehmensmanagement, 14. Mai 2009, ETH Zürich, Zürich.
Girmscheid, G.
Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse - Finanzierungs- und Projektrealisierungsvarianten.
Auf: Symposium "Public Private Partnership bei Schulprojekten -
Effizienznachweis durch Wirtschaftlichkeitsprüfung", Veranstaltung der Professur
für Bauprozess- und Bauunternehmensmanagement, 02. April 2009, ETH Zürich,
Girmscheid, G.
Probabilistic risk-based LC NPV Model.
In: Xie, M.; Patnaikuni, I. (eds.): Innovations in Structural Engineering and
Construction : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural
Engineering and Construction (ISEC-04), 2007, Melbourne, AU; Taylor & Francis,
2008, London
Schaiter, B.; Girmscheid, G.
HDD – Horizontal Directional Drilling, pressure related failures caused by pilot
drilling operations.
In: Xie, M.; Patnaikuni, I. (eds.): Innovations in Structural Engineering and
Construction : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural
Engineering and Construction (ISEC-04), 2007, Melbourne, AU; Taylor & Francis,
2008, London
Fastrich, A.; Girmscheid, G.
NPV – Decision making model for street maintenance and rehabilitation.
In: Xie, M.; Patnaikuni, I. (eds.): Innovations in Structural Engineering and
Construction : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural
Engineering and Construction (ISEC-04), 2007, Melbourne, AU; Taylor & Francis,
2008, London
Girmscheid, G.
Der Kunde im Mittelpunkt unternehmerischer Geschäftsprozesse. In. Tagungsband
zum 6. "baublatt"-Baukongress
(Luzern, 13.11.2007), Hrsg. Springer Science + Business Media, Luzern
Girmscheid, G.
Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse / Net Present Value-Vergleich. In: "Symposium -
Public Private Partnership";
Zürich 25. Oktober 2007
Dreyer, J.
Ausschreibung, Vergabe und partnerschaftliche Lesitungserstellung. In:
"Symposium - Public Private Partnership";
Zürich 25. Oktober 2007
Girmscheid, G.
Was ist PPP? Nutzen, Anwendungsgebiete, Modelle. In: "Symposium - Public Private
Zürich 25. Oktober 2007
Gamisch, T.
Wirtschaftlichkeit verschiedener Strategien für den Unterhalt bzw. die
Instandhaltung von Tunnelentwässerungssystemen. In: "Symposium - Innovationen im
Tunnelbau"; Zürich 23. Oktober 2007
Gamisch, T.
Folgerungen für die Planung von Bauwerksentwässerungssystemen - Massnahmen zur
baulichen Lösung der Versinterungsprobleme. In: "Symposium - Innovationen im
Tunnelbau"; Zürich 23. Oktober 2007
Gamisch, T.
Mechanismen der Versinterungsentstehung in den Entwässerungssystemen von Tunneln
und anderen unterirdischen Bauwerken. In: "Symposium - Innovationen im
Tunnelbau"; Zürich 23. Oktober 2007
Girmscheid, G.
Lebenszyklen in der Bauwirtschaft. In: "Symposium - Bauen auf Aluminium ";
Aluminium-Verband Schweiz;
Zürich 29. August 2007
Girmscheid, G.
Holistic Enterprise Risk Management - Risk coverage and Risk control.
In: Milford, R.; Haupt, T.C. (eds.): Construction for Development : Proceedings
of CIB World Building Congress 2007, Cape Town, ZA; CIB, 2007, Rotterdam, S.
Lunze, D.; Girmscheid, G.
Strategic cooperation networks for life-cycle service provisions in building
In: Milford, R.; Haupt, T.C. (eds.): Construction for Development : Proceedings
of CIB World Building Congress 2007, Cape Town, ZA; CIB, 2007, Rotterdam, S.
Brockmann, C.; Girmscheid, G.
Complexity of Megaprojects.
In: Milford, R.; Haupt, T.C. (eds.): Construction for Development : Proceedings
of CIB World Building Congress 2007, Cape Town, ZA; CIB, 2007, Rotterdam, S.
Fastrich, A.; Girmscheid, G.
Public Private Partnership for maintenance activities – System boundaries for a
life cycle oriented economic efficiency analysis.
In: Milford, R.; Haupt, T.C. (eds.): Construction for Development : Proceedings
of CIB World Building Congress 2007, Cape Town, ZA; CIB, 2007, Rotterdam, S.
Girmscheid, G.; Kröcher, M.
Innovative Sales Concept and Knowledge-Platform for Prefabricated Building
In: Milford, R.; Haupt, T.C. (eds.): Construction for Development : Proceedings
of CIB World Building Congress 2007, Cape Town, ZA; CIB, 2007, Rotterdam, S.
Schaiter, B.; Girmscheid, G.
Innovations in Tunnel Construction and the Associated Economical Consequences
for Supplier, Contractor and the Client.
In: Milford, R.; Haupt, T.C. (eds.): Construction for Development : Proceedings
of CIB World Building Congress 2007, Cape Town, ZA; CIB, 2007, Rotterdam, S.
Dreyer, J.; Girmscheid, G.
PPP process model for service provision - PPP tender and award process model.
In: Milford, R.; Haupt, T.C. (eds.): Construction for Development : Proceedings
of CIB World Building Congress 2007, Cape Town, ZA; CIB, 2007, Rotterdam, S.
Girmscheid, G.; Mehnert, F.
Generic Axiomatic Requirement Management Model (GARM-M) – Accelerated Target
Oriented Handling of Total Service Contracts.
In: Milford, R.; Haupt, T.C. (eds.): Construction for Development : Proceedings
of CIB World Building Congress 2007, Cape Town, ZA; CIB, 2007, Rotterdam, S.
Pohle, T.; Girmscheid, G.
Risk Management in PPP Maintenance Projects of Communal Street Networks.
In: Milford, R.; Haupt, T.C. (eds.): Construction for Development : Proceedings
of CIB World Building Congress 2007, Cape Town, ZA; CIB, 2007, Rotterdam, S.
Girmscheid, G.
Wissen schaffen, Risiken minimieren - lifecycleorientiertes
Informationsmanagement. In: "Symposium - Entwickeln, Sichern, Steigern -
Lebenszyklusorientiertes Informationsmanagement in der Bau- und
Zürich 14. Juni 2007
Girmscheid, G.
Marktpotenziale - Paradigmenwechsel hin zu Lebenszyklus-leistungsangeboten In.
Tagungsband zum 5. "baublatt"-Baukongress
(Luzern, 14.11.2006), Hrsg. Springer Science + Business Media Schweiz AG,
Girmscheid, G.; Kapp, M.J.
Industrialization processes in Swiss SMEs.
Adaptable Structures : Proceedings of the International Conference On Adaptable
Building Structures (Adaptables 2006), Eindhoven; Eindhoven University of
Technology, 2006, Eindhoven, S. (3-257)-(3-263)
Lunze, D.; Girmscheid, G.
Two-dimensional cooperation network for system precast construction.
Adaptable Structures : Proceedings of the International Conference On Adaptable
Building Structures (Adaptables 2006), Eindhoven; Eindhoven University of
Technology, 2006, Eindhoven, S. (3-264)-(3-268)
Girmscheid, G.
Value-at-risk concept in a holistic risk model.
In: Pietroforte, R.; De Angelis, E.; Polverino, F. (eds.): Construction in the
XXI century: Local and global challenges : Proceedings of the Joint 2006 CIB
W065/W055/W086 International Symposium, Rome, IT; Edizione Scientifiche
Italiane, 2006, Napoli, S. 126-127
Brockmann, C.; Girmscheid, G.
Global players in the world's construction market.
In: Pietroforte, R.; De Angelis, E.; Polverino, F. (eds.): Construction in the
XXI century: Local and global challenges : Proceedings of the Joint 2006 CIB
W065/W055/W086 International Symposium, Rome, IT; Edizione Scientifiche
Italiane, 2006, Napoli, S. 40-41
Dreyer, J.; Girmscheid, G.
PPP process models for service provision – PPP performance process model.
In: Pietroforte, R.; De Angelis, E.; Polverino, F. (eds.): Construction in the
XXI century: Local and global challenges : Proceedings of the Joint 2006 CIB
W065/W055/W086 International Symposium, Rome, IT; Edizione Scientifiche
Italiane, 2006, Napoli, S. 88-89
Kapp, M.J.; Girmscheid, G.
Empirical study reveals deficits in the choice of formwork.
In: Pietroforte, R.; De Angelis, E.; Polverino, F. (eds.): Construction in the
XXI century: Local and global challenges : Proceedings of the Joint 2006 CIB
W065/W055/W086 International Symposium, Rome, IT; Edizione Scientifiche
Italiane, 2006, Napoli, S. 172-173
Lunze, D.; Girmscheid, G.
Cooperation network "lifecycle-oriented buildings" – potential success and
failure factors.
In: Pietroforte, R.; De Angelis, E.; Polverino, F. (eds.): Construction in the
XXI century: Local and global challenges : Proceedings of the Joint 2006 CIB
W065/W055/W086 International Symposium, Rome, IT; Edizione Scientifiche
Italiane, 2006, Napoli, S. 210-211
Schaiter, B.; Girmscheid, G.
Competitive advantages for contractor by implementing new materials?
In: Pietroforte, R.; De Angelis, E.; Polverino, F. (eds.): Construction in the
XXI century: Local and global challenges : Proceedings of the Joint 2006 CIB
W065/W055/W086 International Symposium, Rome, IT; Edizione Scientifiche
Italiane, 2006, Napoli, S. 294-295
Gamisch, T.; Girmscheid, G.
Future Trends in Construction and Maintenance Management of Drainage Systems in Traffic Tunnels.
In: Tunnelling Towards Better Cities : Proceedings of the 12th Australian
Tunnelling Conference 2005, Brisbane, AU; Australian Underground Construction
and Tunnelling Association, 2005, Bartom
Girmscheid, G.
Industrialization in Building Construction – Production Technology or Management
In: Kähkonen, K.; Sexton, M. (eds.): Understanding the Construction Business and
Companies in the New Millennium : Proceedings of the 11th Joint CIB
International Symposium: Combining Forces - Advancing Facilities Management and
Construction through Innovation, 2005, Helsinki, FI; VTT - Technical Research
Centre of Finland and RIL - Association of Finnish Civil Engineers, 2005, Vol.1,
S. 427-441
Girmscheid, G.; Brockmann, C.
Trust as a Success Factor in International Joint Ventures.
In: Kähkonen, K.; Sexton, M. (eds.): Understanding the Construction Business and
Companies in the New Millennium : Proceedings of the 11th Joint CIB
International Symposium: Combining Forces - Advancing Facilities Management and
Construction through Innovation, 2005, Helsinki, FI; VTT - Technical Research
Centre of Finland and RIL - Association of Finnish Civil Engineers, 2005, Vol.2,
S. 69-81
Kapp, M., Schaiter, B.
Systematic Optimization of the Construction Process by Implementation of PRSM.
(Process-oriented Risk-based Selection Method for innovative construction
In: Kähkonen, K.; Sexton, M. (eds.): Understanding the Construction Business and
Companies in the New Millennium : Proceedings of the 11th Joint CIB
International Symposium: Combining Forces - Advancing Facilities Management and
Construction through Innovation, 2005, Helsinki, FI; VTT - Technical Research
Centre of Finland and RIL - Association of Finnish Civil Engineers, 2005, Vol.I,
p. 450-461
Kapp, M.J.; Girmscheid, G.
Support Tool for Comparable Life Cycle Oriented Decision Taking.
In: Ahmed, S.M.; Ahmad, I.; Pantouvakis, J.-P.: Advancing Engineering,
Management and Technology : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Construction in the 21st Century, 2005, Athen, GR; CITC-III Greecs, 2005, S.
Gamisch, T.; Girmscheid, G.
Lifecycle Oriented Construction and Maintenance of Traffic Tunnels – Strategy
Assessment to Develop Tunnel Drainage Systems with Low Calcification and Minimal
Required Maintenance.
In: Ahmed, S.M.; Ahmad, I.; Pantouvakis, J.-P.: Advancing Engineering,
Management and Technology : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Construction in the 21st Century, 2005, Athen, GR; CITC-III Greecs, 2005, S.
Dreyer, J.; Girmscheid, G.
PPP in Switzerland - Economic Comparison For Street Maintenance and
Rehabilitation Delivery Models.
In: Ahmed, S.M.; Ahmad, I.; Pantouvakis, J.-P.: Advancing Engineering,
Management and Technology : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Construction in the 21st Century, 2005, Athen, GR; CITC-III Greecs, 2005, S.
Busch, T.A.; Girmscheid, G.
Quantitative Risk Management Model for General Contractors.
In: Ahmed, S.M.; Ahmad, I.; Pantouvakis, J.-P.: Advancing Engineering,
Management and Technology : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Construction in the 21st Century, 2005, Athen, GR; CITC-III Greecs, 2005, S.
Girmscheid, G.
New Partnering Models and their Success Factors in the Swiss Construction
In: Ahmed, S.M.; Ahmad, I.; Pantouvakis, J.-P.: Advancing Engineering,
Management and Technology : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Construction in the 21st Century, 2005, Athen, GR; CITC-III Greecs, 2005, S.
Schaiter, B.; Girmscheid, G.
Integrated Process-oriented Selection Method for the most efficient Construction
In: Ahmed, S.M.; Ahmad, I.; Pantouvakis, J.-P.: Advancing Engineering,
Management and Technology : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Construction in the 21st Century, 2005, Athen, GR; CITC-III Greecs, 2005, S.
Girmscheid, G.
PPP delivery models for maintenance and rehabilitation of communal street
networks in Switzerland.
In: Hara, T. (ed.): Collaboration and Harmonization in Creative Systems :
Proceedings of 3rd International Structural Engineering and Construction
Conference ISEC-03, 2005, Shunan, JP; Taylor & Francis, 2005, London, Vol.II, S.
Kapp, M.J.; Girmscheid, G.
Risk based life cycle cost analysis model for comparable life cycle project
delivery decision taking.
In: Hara, T. (ed.): Collaboration and Harmonization in Creative Systems :
Proceedings of 3rd International Structural Engineering and Construction
Conference ISEC-03, 2005, Shunan, JP; Taylor & Francis, 2005, London, Vol.II, S.
Girmscheid, G.; Busch T.A.
Concept of an integral quantitative risk management model for
life-cycle-oriented total service providers.
In: Hara, T. (ed.): Collaboration and Harmonization in Creative Systems :
Proceedings of 3rd International Structural Engineering and Construction
Conference ISEC-03, 2005, Shunan, JP; Taylor & Francis, 2005, London, Vol.II, S.
Dreyer, J.; Girmscheid, G.
Risk-based selection of the delivery model for maintenance and rehabilitation of
communal street networks in Switzerland.
In: Hara, T. (ed.): Collaboration and Harmonization in Creative Systems :
Proceedings of 3rd International Structural Engineering and Construction
Conference ISEC-03, 2005, Shunan, JP; Taylor & Francis, 2005, London, Vol.II, S.
Gamisch, T.; Girmscheid, G.
Application of an innovative green-chemistry product onto drainage systems in
traffic tunnels for life-cycle oriented optimization of maintenance management.
In: Hara, T. (ed.): Collaboration and Harmonization in Creative Systems :
Proceedings of 3rd International Structural Engineering and Construction
Conference ISEC-03, 2005, Shunan, JP; Taylor & Francis, 2005, London, Vol.II, S.
Schaiter, B.; Girmscheid, G.
Process oriented Risk based Selection Method for innovative construction
techniques – PRSM.
In: Hara, T. (ed.): Collaboration and Harmonization in Creative Systems :
Proceedings of 3rd International Structural Engineering and Construction
Conference ISEC-03, 2005, Shunan, JP; Taylor & Francis, 2005, London, Vol.II, S.
Brockmann, Ch.
Breaking innovation barriers through design/build contracts.
In: Proceedings of the Int'l Symposium of the Working Commission CIB W92
"Construction Procurement - The Impact of Cultural Differences and Systems on
Construction Performance", 08.-10.02.2005, Las Vegas. Eds. Sullivan, K.;
Kashiwagi, D.T., Arizona State University ISBN 1-889857-29-7, Vol. II, p.
Girmscheid, G.
Win-Win Situations by Partnering Project Delivery Forms – Case studies conducted
in Switzerland.
In: de Wi, M.H. (ed.): Building for the Future : Proceedings of the 16th CIB
World Building Congress, 2004, Toronto, CAN; CIB, 2004, Rotterdam, S. 1-10
Borner, R.
Success factors in construction processes as a key for a benefit oriented
knowledge management model.
In: de Wi, M.H. (ed.): Building for the Future : Proceedings of the 16th CIB
World Building Congress, 2004, Toronto, CAN; CIB, 2004, Rotterdam, p. 1-9
Busch Th.
Integrated Risk Management Concepts for Construction Sstem Providers.
In: de Wi, M.H. (ed.): Building for the Future : Proceedings of the 16th CIB
World Building Congress, 2004, Toronto, CAN; CIB, 2004, Rotterdam, p. 1-10
Girmscheid G.
Partnering-Modelle auf dem Schweizer Baumarkt.
In: Tagungsband 3. IBW-Symposium "Partnerschaftliche Vertragsmodelle für
Bauprojekte"; Schriftenreihe Bauwirtschaft, Tagungen und Berichte. Hrsg.
Institut für Bauwirtschaft an der Universität Kassel, September 2004, S. 125-144
Gamisch, T.; Girmscheid, G.
Life-cycle Oriented Optimization of Maintenance Costs for Drainage Systems in
Traffic Tunnels – by (further) Developing a New Calcification Reduction Method.
In: Shirlaw, J.N., Zhao, J., Krishnan, R. (eds.): Underground Space for
Sustainable Urban Development : Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel
Congress, 2004, Singapore
Girmscheid, G.
Partnerschaften in der Bauwirtschaft – Chance oder Irrweg?
In: Win-Win-Situation für Auftraggeber und Auftragnehmer : Tagungsband zum 3.
baublatt-Baukongress, 16. November 2004, Luzern, CH, S. 1-13
Busch Th.
Systematisches Projektrisikomanagement in der Angebotsphase.
In: Tagungsband zum 2. Grazer Baubetriebs- und Bauwirtschaftssymposium (S.
49-62), Hrsg.: IBB der Techn. Universität Graz (2004)
Girmscheid, G.; Hartmann, A.
Innovation in Construction - The View of the Client.
In: Uwakweh, B.O.; Minkarah, I.A. (eds.): The Organization and Management of
Construction: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Construction
Innovation and Global Competitiveness, 2003, Cincinnati, US; CRC Press LCC,
2003, London, New York, Washington D.C., Vol.1, S. 29-43
Girmscheid, G.
High performance TBM technology and logistics.
In: Saveur, J. (ed.): (Re)Claiming the Underground Space : Proceedings of the
ITA World Tunnel Congress 2003, Amsterdam, NL; Balkema, 2003, Lisse, Vol.2, S.
Girmscheid, G.
Success factors of partnering in new project delivery models – experience in
In: Bontemi, F. (ed.): System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design :
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering &
Construction ISEC-02, Rome, IT; Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003, Lisse, Vol.1, S.
Bärthel, J.
Alternative courses of action for industrialized construction processes in small
and medium-sized enterprises.
In: Bontemi, F. (ed.): System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design :
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering &
Construction ISEC-02, Rome, IT; Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003, Lisse, Vol.1, p.
Busch Th.
Integrated Risk Management for Construction System Providers.
In: Bontemi, F. (ed.): System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design :
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering &
Construction ISEC-02, Rome, IT; Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003, Lisse, Vol.1, p.
Gamisch, G.; Girmscheid, G.
Life-cycle maintenance management of traffic tunnels – strategy assessment to
develop new calcification reduction methods in tunnel drainage systems.
In: Bontemi, F. (ed.): System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design :
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering &
Construction ISEC-02, Rome, IT; Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003, Lisse, Vol.2, S.
Moser, S.; Girmscheid, G.
Development of a high performance fully automated application system for
In: Bontemi, F. (ed.): System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design :
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering &
Construction ISEC-02, Rome, IT; Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003, Lisse, Vol.2, S.
Borner R.
Process and success oriented knowledge management for total service contractors.
In: Bontemi, F. (ed.): System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design :
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering &
Construction ISEC-02, Rome, IT; Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003, Lisse, Vol.2, p.
Girmscheid, G.; Borner, R.
Knowledge Management in Construction Companies oriented on Project Success
In: Ofori, G.; Ling, F. (eds.): Knowledge Construction : Proceedings of the
Joint International Symposium of CIB Working Commissions, 2003, Singapore;
National University of Singapore, 2003, Singapore, Vol.I, S. 137-149
Girmscheid, G.; Hartmann, A.
The Interdependence of Procurement Strategies and Organizational Culture from
the Perspective of Innovation.
In: Lewis, T.M. (ed.): Procurement Systems and Technology Transfer : Proceedings
of the International Symposium of the Working Commission CIB W92 2002,
University of West Indies, 2002, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago, S. 371-382
Girmscheid G.; Hartmann A.:
Innovation in Construction: The View of the Client.
In: Proceedings of the 10th Int'l Symposium on Construction Innovation and
Global Competitiveness.
Hrsg.: CIB and University of Cincinnati (2002), Vol. 1, p. 29-43
Girmscheid, G.; Hartmann, A.
Innovation Management in Construction Companies - An Integrated Model.
In: Performance in Product and Practice : Proceedings of the 2nd CIB World
Building Congress, 2001, Wellington, NZ; CIB, 2001, Rotterdam, S. 1-10
Girmscheid, G.; Wälti, R.
High Performance Drill and Blast Method - Progress in Efficiency through
Industrialized Backup Systems and Process Configuration.
In: Teuscher, P.; Colombo, A. (eds.): Progress in Tunnelling after 2000 :
Proceedings of the AITES-ITA 2001 World Tunnel Congress, 2001, Milan, IT; Pàtron
Editore, 2001, Bologna, S. 163-171
Girmscheid, G.; Hartmann, A.
The Ability of Contractors to Cooperate - A Key to Innovative Total Services in
In: Anumba, C.J.; Egbu, C.O.; Thorpe, A. (eds.): Perspectives on Innovation in
Architecture, Engineering and Construction : Proceedings of the 1st
International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and
Construction, 2001, Loughborough, UK; Centre for Innovative Construction
Engineering Loughborough University, 2001, Loughborough, S. 589-599
Behnen, O.:
Privately Financed Hydropower Plants - A Business Field for International
Construction Companies.
In: Conference Proceedings of "Hydro 2000: Making Hydro More Competitive", Bern;
Hrsg.: Aqua~Media International Ltd., Sutton (2000)
Girmscheid G.:
Auswege aus dem Dilemma des reinen Preiswettbewerbs - Lösungsansätze für
marktorientierte Bauunternehmen.
In: Wissenschaft und Praxis, Bd. 106, Tagungsbericht der 8. Wirtschaftstage
Hrsg.: Bauakademie Biberach, Biberach/Riss (2000)
Girmscheid G., Moser S.:
Spritzbetonroboter - Entwicklung und Erfahrungen.
In: Tagungsband zum Österreichischen Tunneltag 2000.
Hrsg.: Österreichisches Nationalkomitee der ITA, Wien (2000)
Girmscheid G.:
Baumanagement mit integrierter Gesamtleistung.
In: Strassenbau im heutigen Umfeld, Referate der VESTRA-Tagung vom 21.01.1999 in
Hrsg.: VESTRA Verband Schweizerischer Strassenbauunternehmer, Sursee (1999)
Girmscheid G.:
Projektabwicklungsformen im Tunnelbau als Schlüssel für Innovation,
Risikomanagment sowie Kostenoptimierung.
In: Tagungsband Städtischer Tunnelbau.
Hrsg.: ETH Zürich, Institut für Geotechnik und Institut für Bauplanung und
Baubetrieb, Zürich (1999)
Girmscheid G., Moser S.:
Fully Automated Shotcrete Robot.
In: Proceedings of the 16th IAARC International Symposium on Automation and
Robotics in Construction, Madrid.
Hrsg.: UC3, Madrid (1999)
Girmscheid G., Moser S.:
Fully Automated Shotcrete Robot - Development of the Application Intelligence.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Sprayed Concrete, Gol.
Hrsg.: Norwegian Concrete Association, Oslo (1999)
Girmscheid G., Borner R.:
Wettbewerbsvorteile in der Bauwirtschaft durch dynamische Kooperationen mit
Unterstützung durch Informationstechnologie.
In: Konferenzband zur Info '99, Potsdam.
Hrsg.: i.A. des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Mittelstand & Technologie des
Landes Brandenburg (1999)